Quarantine. A distant word. Something we never in a million years thought the entire world would have to abide by. It's not only a frightening word because of what is going on around us, but it is a terrifying one to those of us who struggle with mental illness.
It can be so easy for us to use this government ordered isolation period to sink back into negative thoughts, emotions and actions. I know first hand how easy it is, just in a matter of days. I went from being healthy and healing at a steady speed to brakes slamming and spinning down that dark hill. It is truly a terrifying thing. BUT, I recognized it, confronted it head on and I'd like to think I'm slowly getting the hang of this self-sufficient lifestyle.
I wrote myself a pretty little list of things to do if 1) I ever feel bored and 2) I found myself sinking again. So here I am compiling this list for you to hopefully help you get past these moments in history in a healthy and positive way. I refuse to list something that I, myself wouldn't do! Let's tackle this list together, my loves!
Reading! This has been my go-to! You are free to escape to any fiction or non-fiction reality and be immersed into that world. It's greatness!
Journaling! Whether you journal about your day or have journal prompts to get you through, journaling can be a way to release emotions and thoughts in a healthy way.
Take a walk! Yes, you are allowed to get outside for a walk around the neighborhood. Take your dog and enjoy the sunshine and the quiet sounds of nature.
Ride a bicycle! If walking isn't your thing, grab your bike and pedal around your town.
Yoga! There are free classes everywhere online. Find your level of expertise, grab your mat and get into downward dog!
Meditate! Turn on a guided meditation, some soft meditation music or, if you're into that, sit in the still silence and simply ...meditate...
Laundry! Admit it. It needs to be done anyway. But does it not feel so good to put on fresh, clean clothes?
Clean! If you're a clean freak like I am, cleaning brings you comfort and order. If you're not, clean just because it needs to be done.
Organize! This is easy for me because I thrive off organization. Let me be the first to tell you that organizing isn't difficult just time consuming & the results are beautiful!
Call / FaceTime! Pretty self-explanatory. Stay connected! Don't isolate. Challenge: get in touch with people you haven't talked with this year... or even last year!
Blog! If writing is your forte open up that laptop and get to typing! It's your blog, write about whatever brings you joy!
Take a free course! "Education ain't cheap" That wise person was right, so take a free course on coursera.org!
Paint! Whether on canvas or paper, whether watercolor or acrylic, painting is a fun way to let your creativity flow!
Chalk art! Grab some chalk and create a beautiful masterpiece on your driveway and sidewalk! Adding inspirational messages for yourself and others is a plus too!
Planting! Plant some roots in that yard of yours by going to your local nursery & picking up some beautiful flowers & some potting soil all the while staying 6 feet away.
Wash Car! While you're out there, get the hose, some car soap and a sponge and scrub until your car shines brighter than the sun!
Bathe your dogs! It's springtime which means rain, which also means mud. If dogs grant you their presence every day, give them a nice soothing bath!
Bubble bath! After your dogs get bathed, there's no question that you'll need one too. Grab some bath salts, a bath bomb or Dr. Teals and soak in the bubbles of relaxation.
Face mask! Wrap that beautiful hair in a towel and apply a face mask! Not only does it force you to lay still for 15 minutes, it makes your face bright & feel so fresh!
Bible plan! Now is a great time to get into your Bible (hard copy or app) and be reminded of how precious you are and how loved you are! You won't regret it!
Bake! Whether you're new to baking or are a master pâtissier, baking is messy fun and in the end, it's absolutely delicious!
Travel! From your phone of course! Take a virtual trip to some of your favorite places, go on a safari or visit museums and theme parks from the comfort of your own couch.
Go down memory lane! Meaning, go through the thousands of pictures on your camera roll, relive your best moments & delete those screenshots! You'll feel less cluttered.
Write handwritten letters! This is more personal than any old text and is a nice surprise to the recipient and in turn will make you feel good! They may even mail back a letter!
Listen to music! Music is good for all occasions, all emotions and any time of day! Whatever mood you're feeling or want to feel, match that with some good tunes.